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求what the hell的歌词。Dani Shay改编的

2023-12-21 23:40:49 编辑:join 浏览量:587

求what the hell的歌词。Dani Shay改编的

What the hell--Dani ShayLyric By T.Toh wooaa~~~~~~I guess you noticed, I guess you care.我估计你注意到了 估计你留意about the way I flit my hair我甩头发的方式--#You say it's Bieber, you say it's ?你说这是逼爆的标准动作,But let me tell you no it's no it's no it's nye...但是我告诉你,不是不是不是不是Am I on TV? girl quit playing.我上电视了?妹子别闹了--He looks just like me. What are you saying.他长的像我!说虾米!?Said there's another who looks seems like you你说有个人和我长得一样咪and he is on every single channel loving you too每个频道都能看扒巧到他在唱我爱你呢but I was like但是我感觉what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米I was like我感觉what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米I was like我感觉what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米this face has always been mine, mine这张脸一直都是我的啊--# 我的!what the hell are you talking about你到底说啥呢I'm just like我就觉得what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米yeah I'm just like我就觉得what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米this face has always been mine这张脸一直都是我的啊--#Oh I knew this couldn't be my real life我知道这肯定不是我的生活(经常有人认错她是逼爆)I must be dreaming deceiving myself in real time我肯春耐键定是做梦骗自己呢!but I'm gotta play it cool until I know it's true但我还得一直装酷 直到我发现这是真的呀so then I finally turn on my Mac to see于是我最后还是打开苹果去找来看看This Justin Bieber这个贾斯丁逼爆Oh no this can't be哦不这不可能啊!you gotta shake me till you wake me from this bad dream快把我从这噩梦中摇醒I'm going down down down down我真是晕死了and now I just can't believe a mini me he's now I'm found真不敢相信我竟然找到了个“迷你版”的自己now I'm like现在我感觉what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米I'm just like我就感觉what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米I'亩昌m like我感觉what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米this face has always been mine , mine这张脸一直都是我的啊--# 我的what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米yeah I say是啊我擦what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米Oh I'm like我感觉what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米this face has always been mine这张脸一直都是我的啊--#/rap/yeah I'm 22 years old and yes I'm quite confused cuz ain't nobody got the same mum and daddy except my sister Ashley老娘芳龄22 我就搞不懂了 因为除了我老姐Ashley之外哪有人会和我有同样的爹娘!?so who are you那 你是谁啊you got me going crazy what am I supposed to do你要把我弄疯了 该怎么办好呢They're screaming听 他们疯叫oh same baby啊 一模一样的逼爆!but aren't my songs good,too?但是我的歌不也挺好的咪I have my own words我自己有词I'll make a thing if you listen to me sing and maybe I'll rap a verse too cuz that's the flow I bring in你要听我给你们也整首呗 我也rap一段因为这是我自己的flowyou know this can't be easy seeing that face on TV你知道让这张脸上电视不容易cuz I want you to see me但是因为我想让你看见我so I just keep on singing所以我就继续唱呗what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米Oh I'm just like我就感觉what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米Yeah I'm like我就感觉what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米this face has always been mine , mine这张脸一直都是我的啊--# 我的what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米Oh I'm just like我就感觉what the hell are you talking about你到底在说虾米Yeah I said是啊我擦what the hell are you talking about你到底说啥呢this face has always been mine , mine这张脸一直都是我的啊--#so am I all gone am I all gone am I gone gone gone我要闪人了咪--#no I am not...没呢


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