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急求英语作文how to achieve success of distance learning

2024-01-14 04:23:01 编辑:join 浏览量:539

急求英语作文how to achieve success of distance learning

every succesful man can not travel in two ways, Jay dosen't make the exception too. as we know, he is born talent of music. we can say his study is not good enough, but he indulged himself in the world of music. with his extraodinary style of creating music, he becomes one of the greatest musician in china. but we can not just see his glory but ignore his formidable way to gain the golden price. he was born in a poor family, which shocked him a lot, this also gives him the spirit to think his songs. his hard working can not be negliged. under the pressure of study, he overcome all the baffle, derives his nothing-to-compair place. every mountain has a peak, every valley has its low point, life has its ups and downs, its peaks and valleys. no one is up all the time, nor are they down all the time. problems do end. they are al resolved one day. shall we also learned something from Jay? 每一个成功的男人无法前往两种方式,杰伊doesn't作出例外。我们知道,他出生的音乐人才。我们可以说他的研究还不够好,但他沉迷于音乐的世界。与他创作的音乐extraodinary风格,他成为在中国最伟大的音乐家之一。但我们不能只看到他的荣耀,而忽视他娴熟的方法获得的黄金价格。他出生于一个贫穷神坦的家庭,这让他感到震撼了很多,这也使他的精神,认为他的歌曲。他辛勤工作,不能negliged。根游森桐据研究的压力下,他克服了所有的困惑,源于他没有对压缩空气进行。每个山区有一个高峰期,每个流域有没有s低一点,生活的起伏,其高峰和低谷。没有人把所有的时间,也不是所有的时间了。问题春搜的工作已经完成。他们是基地解决一天。我们应还从杰伊吗?


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